Case Number: 11-12804
The only site online to monitor the bankruptcy of NEWPAGE CORPORATION. Access the latest docket and all court documents using our real-time tracking tools.
NEWPAGE CORPORATION filed a 11 chapter bankruptcy in the District of Delaware bankruptcy court on September 07, 2011. This is a voluntary filing; it was assigned the bankruptcy case number #11-12804.
The bankruptcy petition for NEWPAGE CORPORATION showed assets in the range of more than $1B with liabilities in the range of more than $1B. NEWPAGE CORPORATION reports that the number of creditors is in the range of 25,001- 50,000.
The debtor indicated their nature of business as 'None of the Above'. The nature of business option is fairly limited; most companies will chose 'None of the Above'. The options include: 'Health Care Business', 'Single Asset Real Estate', 'Railroad', 'Stockbroker', 'Commodity Broker', 'Clearing Bank', or 'None of the Above'.
NEWPAGE CORPORATION indicated on its bankruptcy petition that it does not expect there will be sufficient assets in the estate to make a payment to the unsecured creditors.
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District of Delaware (Delaware)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 11-12804-KG
Assigned to: Kevin Gross Chapter 11 Voluntary Asset |
Debtor NewPage Corporation 8540 Gander Creek Drive Miamisburg, OH 45342 OUTSIDE HOME STATE Tax ID / EIN: 05-0616156 aka NewPage Wisconsin System Inc. aka NewPage Holding Corporation aka Maple Paper Acquisition Corp. aka NewPage Energy Services LLC aka Chillicothe Paper Inc. aka NewPage Canadian Sales LLC aka Escanaba Paper Company aka NewPage Port Hawkesbury Holding LLC aka Upland Resources, Inc. aka Rumford Paper Company aka NewPage Group Inc. aka Wickliffe Paper Company LLC aka NewPage Consolidated Papers Inc. aka Luke Paper Company |
rep. by |
Philip M. Abelson
Proskauer Rose LLP Eleven Times Square New York, NY 10036 Daniel K. Astin Ciardi, Ciardi & Astin, P.C. 1204 N. King Street Wilmington, DE 19801 Email: dastin @ TERMINATED: 12/19/2012 Martin J. Bienenstock Proskauer Rose LLP Eleven Times Square New York, NY 10036 212-259-8000 Fax : 212-259-6333 Email: mbienenstock @ Timothy P. Cairns Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP 919 N. Market St., 17th Floor Wilmington, DE 19801 302-652-4100 Fax : 302-652-4400 Email: tcairns @ Timothy P. Cairns Pachulski Stang Young & Jones LLP 919 N. Market Street 17th Floor Wilmington, DE 19801 302-652-4100 Fax : 302-652-4400 Email: tcairns @ Lauren C. Cohen Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP 1301 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019-6092 TERMINATED: 05/14/2012 Erin Durba Proskauer Rose LLP Elevn Times Square New York, NY 10036 212-269-3000 Fax : 212-696-2900 Scott Eggers Proskauer Rose LLP Eleven Times Square Eighth Avenue & 41st Street New York, NY 10036 Curtis A. Hehn Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP 919 N. Market Street 17th Floor Wilmington, DE 19801 302-652-4100 Fax : 302-652-4400 Email: chehn @ Laura Davis Jones Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP 919 N. Market Street, 17th Floor Wilmington, DE 19899-8705 302 652-4100 Fax : 302-652-4400 Email: ljones @ Judy G.Z. Liu Proskauer Rose LLP Eleven Times Square New York, NY 10036 212-259-8000 Fax : 212-259-6333 Email: jliu @ John D. McLaughlin, Jr. Ciardi Ciardi & Astin 919 North Market Street Suite 700 Wilmington, DE 19801 302-658-1100 Fax : 302-658-1300 TERMINATED: 12/19/2012 Michael T Mervis Proskauer Rose LLP Eleven Times Square Eighth Avenue & 41st Street New York, NY 10036 212-969-3000 Fax : 212-969-2900 John M. Nonna Dewey & LeBouef LLP 1301 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019 212-259-8000 Fax : 212-259-6333 TERMINATED: 05/14/2012 Michael Seidl Pachulski Stang Ziehl Young Jones 919 N. Market Street 16th Floor Wilmington, DE 19899 302-652-4100 Fax : 302-652-4400 Email: mseidl @ Michael Seidl Pachulski, Stang,Ziehl,Young & Jones 919 N. Market Street, 17th Street PO Box 8705 Wilmington, DE 19899-8405 usa 302 652-4100 Fax : 302-652-4400 Email: mseidl @ Chris Theodoridis Proskauer Rose LLP Eleven Times Square New York, NY 10036 212-259-8000 Fax : 212-259-6333 TERMINATED: 05/14/2012 |
Trustee HSBC Bank USA, National Association, as Indenture Trustee |
rep. by |
Mark R. Somerstein
Ropes & Gray LLP 1211 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036-8704 212-596-9000 Fax : 212-596-9090 Email: mark.somerstein @ |
Trustee Litigation Trustee of the NP Creditor Litigation Trust |
rep. by |
M. Blake Cleary
Young, Conaway, Stargatt & Taylor 1000 North King Street Wilmington, DE 19801 302-571-6600 Fax : 302-571-1253 Email: bankfilings @ Jaime Luton Chapman Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP 1000 West Street, 17th Fl. P.O. Box 391 Wilmington, DE 19899-0951 302-571-6600 Email: bankfilings @ Andrew L Magaziner Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP Rodney Square 1000 North King Street Wilmington, DE 19801 302-571-6600 Email: bankfilings @ Ashley Ford Waters Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP One Bryant Park New York, NY 10036 212-872-1000 Fax : 212-872-1002 |
U.S. Trustee United States Trustee 844 King Street, Room 2207 Lockbox #35 Wilmington, DE 19899-0035 302-573-6491 |
rep. by |
Jane M. Leamy
Office of the U.S. Trustee 844 King St. Suite 2207 Wilmington, DE 19801 302-573-6491 Fax : 302-573-6497 Email: jane.m.leamy @ |
Claims Agent Kurtzman Carson Consultants LLC 2335 Alaska Ave El Segundo, CA 90245 310-823-9000 |
rep. by |
Albert Kass
Kurtzman Carson Consultants, LLC 2335 Alaska Ave El Segundo, CA 90245 310-823-9000 Fax : 310-751-1549 Email: ECFpleadings @ |
Liquidating Trustee Pirinate Consulting Group LLC, as Litigation Trustee of the NP Creditor Litigation Trust |
rep. by |
Kendra K Bader
Ask LLP 2600 Eagan Woods Drive Suite 400 St Paul, MN 55121 651-406-9665 Fax : 651-406-9676 Email: kbader @ Kara E Casteel ASK Financial LLP 2600 Eagan Woods Drive Suite 400 St.Paul, MN 55121 651-406-9665 Fax : 651-406-9676 Email: kcasteel @ Alex Govze ASK Financial LLP 2600 Egan Woods Drive Suite 400 St. Paul, MN 55121 usa 651-406-9665 Fax : 651-406-9676 Email: agovze @ Julia B. Klein The Rosner Law Group LLC 824 Market Street, Suite 810 Wilmington, DE 19801 302-777-1111 Email: klein @ Julia Bettina Klein The Rosner Law Group LLC 824 Market Street, Suite 810 Wilmington, DE 19801 302-777-1111 Email: klein @ Scott J. Leonhardt The Rosner Law Group LLC 824 Market Street Suite 810 Wilmington, DE 19801 302-777-1111 Email: leonhardt @ Brigette G. McGrath ASK LLP 2600 Eagan Woods Drive Suite 400 St. Paul, MN 55121 651-406-9665 Fax : 651-406-9676 Email: bmccgrath @ Joseph L. Steinfeld, Jr. ASK LLP 2600 Eagan Woods Drive Suite 400 St. Paul, MN 55121 (651) 406-9665 Fax : (651) 406-9676 Email: jsteinfeld @ Marianna Udem ASK LLP 2600 Eagan Woods Drive Suite 400 St. Paul, Mn 55121 651-406-9665 Fax : 651-406-9676 Email: mudem @ Gary D. Underdahl ASK Financial LLP 2600 Eagan Woods Drive Suite 400 St. Paul, MN 55121 (651) 406-9665 Fax : (651) 406-9676 Email: gunderdahl @ |
Creditor Committee Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors |
rep. by | M. Blake Cleary
(See above for address) Luc A. Despins Paul Hastings LLP 75 East 55th Street New York, NY 10022 212-318-6000 Fax : 212-319-4090 Benjamin I. Finestone Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP 51 Madison Avenue, 22nd Floor New York, NY 10010 (212) 849-7341 Fax : (212) 849-7100 Email: benjaminfinestone @ Christopher Fong Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker LLP 75 E. 55th Street First Floor New York, NY 10022 212-318-600 James T. Grogan Paul Hastings LLP 75 East 55th Street New York, NY 10022 212-318-6696 Susheel Kirpalani Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oliver Hedges LLP 51 Madison Avenue, 22nd Floor New York, NY 10010 Aaron M. Klein Paul, Hastings LLP Park Avenue Tower 75 E. 55th Street New York, NY 10022 212-318-6000 Fax : 212-319-4090 Email: aaronklein @ Douglas Koff Paul Hastings Janofsky & Walker LLP 75 East 55th Street New York, NY 10022 212-318-6000 Fax : 212-230-7844 Email: douglaskoff @ Robert S. Loigman Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan LLP 51 Madison Avenue 22nd Floor New York, NY 10010 212-849-7000 Jaime Luton Chapman (See above for address) Andrew L Magaziner (See above for address) Michael S. Neiburg Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP Rodney Square 1000 North King Street Wilmington, DE 19801 302-571-6600 Fax : 302-571-1253 Email: bankfilings @ James L. Patton Young, Conaway, Stargatt & Taylor The Brandywine Bldg. 1000 West Street, 17th Floor PO Box 391 Wilmington, DE 19899-0391 302-571-6684 Email: bankfilings @ Leslie A. Plaskon Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LLP 75 E 55 St First Floor New York, NY 10022 Robert E. Winter Paul, Hastings LLP 875 15th Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20005 (202) 551 1729 Fax : (202) 551 0129 Email: robertwinter @ |