Case Number: 11-13918
The only site online to monitor the bankruptcy of LEE ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED. Access the latest docket and all court documents using our real-time tracking tools.
LEE ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED filed a 11 chapter bankruptcy in the District of Delaware bankruptcy court on December 12, 2011. This is a voluntary filing; it was assigned the bankruptcy case number #11-13918.
The bankruptcy petition for LEE ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED showed assets in the range of more than $1B with liabilities in the range of more than $1B. LEE ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED reports that the number of creditors is in the range of 50,001-100,000.
The debtor indicated their nature of business as 'None of the Above'. The nature of business option is fairly limited; most companies will chose 'None of the Above'. The options include: 'Health Care Business', 'Single Asset Real Estate', 'Railroad', 'Stockbroker', 'Commodity Broker', 'Clearing Bank', or 'None of the Above'.
LEE ENTERPRISES, INCORPORATED indicated on its bankruptcy petition that it does not expect there will be sufficient assets in the estate to make a payment to the unsecured creditors.
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District of Delaware (Delaware)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 11-13918-KG
Assigned to: Kevin Gross Chapter 11 Voluntary Asset Debtor disposition: Discharge Not Applicable |
Debtor Lee Enterprises, Incorporated 201 N. Harrison Street Suite 600 Davenport, IA 52801 SCOTT-IA Tax ID / EIN: 42-0823980 aka agonthego.com aka Bettendorf News aka brittnewstribune.com aka btuemag.com aka cedarvalleyimage.net aka Classic Images aka classicimages.com aka courierwheelsforyou.com aka cv-hg.com aka cvpulse.com aka filmsofthegoldenage.com aka forestcitysummit.com aka Globe Gazette aka globegazette.com aka Hawkeye Printing Co. aka hawkeyeprinting.com aka iatnt.com aka I-N-I Distributing Company aka iowafarmertoday.com aka iowapulse.com aka Journal Connection aka masoncityshopper.com aka mobileagsource.com aka Muscatine Journal aka muscatinejournal.com aka Muskie Trading Post aka qcontheriver.com aka qctimes.com aka qctimes.tv aka qcvarsity.com aka qcwheels.com aka Quad City Advertiser aka Quad City Times aka quadsville.com aka The Advertiser aka The Gateway Shopper aka The Mason City Shopper aka The Ottumwa Courier aka The Sunday Globe aka thebettendorfnews.com aka therockislandnews.com aka town Talk/Thrifty Nickel aka Trico aka trksp.com aka Wapello County Shopper aka wcfcourier.com aka winnebagoshopper.com aka Central Illinois Newpaper Group Co. aka CING Co. aka Herald & Review aka herald-review.com aka jg-tc.com aka siautodeals.com aka siwheelsforyou.com aka Southern Illinoisan aka southernillinois.us aka thesouthern.com aka La Crosse Trubune aka Winona Daily News aka winonadailynews.com aka agalmanac.com aka Gigfork Eagle aka Gigfork Eagle Kaleidoscope aka Billings Business Watch aka Billings Gazette aka Billings Gazette Communications aka billingsbeacon.com aka billingsbeacon.net aka billingsgazette.com aka Brides & Grooms aka bridesandgroomsmt.com aka Broadwater Printing aka Capital City Publishing Group aka Consumers Press aka Explore Magazine aka Farcountry Press aka helenair.com aka Independent Record aka insideyellowstone.com aka Luxury 4 Less aka magiccitymagazine.com aka Mini Nickel "Plus" Want Ads aka mininickel.com aka Missoulian aka missoulian.com aka missoulianentertainer.com aka Montana From The Big Sky aka Montana Standard aka montanaadventurer.com aka mtstandard.com aka North Valley Advertiser aka Peny Saver Want Ads aka Platen Press aka Prairie Star aka Ravalli Republic aka ravallirepublic.com aka Ronan Pioneer aka The Adit aka The Answer Book aka The Messenger aka The Nickel Saver aka The Trader aka The Valley Post aka the independentrecord.com aka theprairiestar.com aka Thrifty Nickel aka Thrifty Nickel Want Ads aka Western Business aka westernmontanabusinessreview.com aka Yellowstone Shopper aka Burt County Plaindealer aka burtcountyplaindealer.com aka Columbus Area Choice aka columbustelegram.com aka Midwest Messenger aka Midwest Messenger Livestock aka midwestmessenger.com aka midwestproducer.com aka Plaindealer aka Plaindealer Publishing aka agbuzz.com aka agweekly.com aka Bismarck Tribune aka bismarcktribune.com aka Can-Tastic Give Away aka Chamber Connection aka Farm & Ranch Guide aka farmandranchguide.com aka farmequipmentcenter.com aka For Sale By Owner aka Hire Power aka inlivestock.com aka Jeans Day aka leeagrimedia.com aka Mandan News aka minnesotafarmguide.com aka missourifarmertoday.com aka Pennysaver aka The Chamber Connection aka The Finder aka The Enterprise Connection aka The Morton County and Mandan News aka The ND Traveler aka The North Dakota Poll aka Worforyou.com aka Work For You aka Albany Democrat-Herald aka Covallis Gazette-Times aka democratherald.com aka dhwheelsforyou.com aka gazettetimes.com aka Gold Mine aka gtwheelsforyou.com aka Inland Northwest Nickels aka JB Distributing Co. aka Lebanon Express aka lebanon-express.com aka Mid Valley Newspapers aka Mid Valley Sunday aka midvalleyvoice.com aka Mighty Mailer aka mvonline.com aka mvwheels.com aka News Publishing Company aka Nickel Ads aka Nickel Publications aka Northwest Nickels aka Schooline aka SDS Distributing Co. aka Serious Classifieds aka Specialized Distribution Services aka Springfield News aka This Week aka Wheel Deals aka Chippewa County Advertiser aka Chippewa Valley Newspapers aka chippewa.com aka chippewavalleynewspapers.com aka couleenews.com aka Dunn County Reminder aka Dunn County Shopper aka ectradinpost.com aka greatwheelsforyou.com aka holmencourier.com aka jacksoncountychronicle.com aka journaltimes.com aka La Crosse Tribune aka La Crosse Tribune County Amateur Golf Championship aka lacrossetribune.com aka racinecountybride.com aka rivervalleynewspapers.com aka rivervalleyvoice.com aka scene262.com aka The Chippewa Herald aka The Dunn County News aka The Journal Times aka tomahjournal.com aka Turn to the Trib aka vernonbroadcaster.com aka westbytimes.com aka wheelswebsite.com aka Winona Daily News aka witradinpost.com aka Your Family Shopper aka lacrossefoxxy.com aka Yellowstone Shopper aka Montana From The Big Sky aka Montana Outdoor Recreation Exposition aka The Answer Book aka The Gold Book aka lee.net aka leeag.com aka leeenterprises.com aka leelocal.com aka workforyou.com aka cattleseller.com |
rep. by |
Christina M. Craige
Sidley Austin LLP 555 West Fifth Street Los Angeles, CA 90013 213-896-6000 Fax : 213-896-6600 Donald J. Bowman, Jr. Young, Conaway, Stargatt & Taylor 1000 North King Street Wilmington, DE 19801 302-571-6600 Email: bankfilings @ ycst.com Edmon L. Morton Young, Conaway, Stargatt & Taylor The Brandywine Bldg. 1000 West Street, 17th Floor P.O. Box 391 Wilmington, DE 19899 usa 302 571-6600 Fax : 302-571-1253 Email: bankfilings @ ycst.com Robert S. Brady Young, Conaway, Stargatt & Taylor 1000 North King Street Wilmington, DE 19801 usa 302-571-6600 Fax : 302-571-1253 Email: bankfilings @ ycst.com |
U.S. Trustee United States Trustee 844 King Street, Room 2207 Lockbox #35 Wilmington, DE 19899-0035 302-573-6491 |
Claims Agent The Garden City Group, Inc. 1985 Marcus Avenue, Ste. 200 Lake Success, NY 11042 631-470-5000 TERMINATED: 04/12/2012 |
rep. by | Jeffrey S. Stein
The Garden City Group, Inc. 1985 Marcus Avenue Suite 200 Lake Success, NY 11042 631-470-6834 Fax : 631-940-6554 Email: PACERTeam @ gardencitygroup.com Karen Beth Shaer The Garden City Group, Inc. 105 Maxess Road Melville, NY 11747 631-470-6861 Fax : 631-940-6544 Email: PACERTeam @ gardencitygroup.com |