HARRY & DAVID HOLDINGS, INC. Bankruptcy Filing

Case Number: 11-10884

The only site online to monitor the bankruptcy of HARRY & DAVID HOLDINGS, INC.. Access the latest docket and all court documents using our real-time tracking tools.

HARRY & DAVID HOLDINGS, INC. filed a 11 chapter bankruptcy in the District of Delaware bankruptcy court on March 28, 2011. This is a voluntary filing; it was assigned the bankruptcy case number #11-10884.

HARRY & DAVID HOLDINGS, INC. Filing Information

The bankruptcy petition for HARRY & DAVID HOLDINGS, INC. showed assets in the range of $100MM - $500MM with liabilities in the range of $100MM - $500MM. HARRY & DAVID HOLDINGS, INC. reports that the number of creditors is in the range of 10,001-25,000.

The debtor indicated their nature of business as 'None of the Above'. The nature of business option is fairly limited; most companies will chose 'None of the Above'. The options include: 'Health Care Business', 'Single Asset Real Estate', 'Railroad', 'Stockbroker', 'Commodity Broker', 'Clearing Bank', or 'None of the Above'.

HARRY & DAVID HOLDINGS, INC. indicated on its bankruptcy petition that it does not expect there will be sufficient assets in the estate to make a payment to the unsecured creditors.

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U.S. Bankruptcy Court
District of Delaware (Delaware)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 11-10884-MFW

Assigned to: Mary F. Walrath
Chapter 11

Debtor disposition:  Discharge Not Applicable
Date filed:  03/28/2011
Date terminated:  12/27/2012
Plan confirmed:  08/29/2011
341 meeting:  04/27/2011

Harry & David Holdings, Inc.
2500 South Pacific Highway
Medford, OR 97501
Tax ID / EIN: 20-0884389
aka Bear Creek Corporation
aka Bear Creek Direct Marketing, Inc
aka Bear Creek Stores, Inc.
aka Bear Creek Operations, Inc.
aka Harry & David Operations Corp.
aka Jackson & Perkins Company
aka Jackson & Perkins Operations, Inc.
aka Jackson & Perkins Wholesale, Inc.
aka Cushman's Fruit Company
aka Harry and David Corp.
aka Harry and David, Inc.
aka Harry & David's Country Village
aka Harry & David's Moose Munch
aka Wolferman's

rep. by Daniel J. DeFranceschi
Richards Layton & Finger
One Rodney Square
PO Box 551
Wilmington, DE 19899
Fax : 302-651-7701
 defranceschi @ rlf.com

Daniel J. DeFranceschi
Richards, Layton & Finger
One Rodney Square, P.O. Box 551
Wilmington, DE 19899
302 651-7700
Fax : 302-651-7701
 defranceschi @ rlf.com

Brad B. Erens
Jones Day
77 W. Wacker
Suite 3500
Chicago, IL 60601
Fax : 312-782-8585

Robert W. Hamilton
Jones Day
325 John H. McConnell Boulevard
Suite 600
Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 281-3848

Paul Noble Heath
Richards, Layton & Finger
One Rodney Square
P. O. Box 551
Wilmington, DE 19899
Fax : 302-651-7701
 heath @ rlf.com

David G. Heiman
Jones Day
North Point
901 Lakeside Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44114-1190
(216) 586-3939
Fax : 216 586 7975
 dgheiman @ jonesday.com

Timothy W. Hoffman
Jones Day
77 West Wacker
Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 782-3939

Robert E. Krebs
Jones Day
77 West Wacker
Chicago, IL 60601
(312) 269-1503

Tyler D. Semmelman
Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A.
920 N. King Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
Fax : 302-498-7523
 semmelman @ rlf.com

Zachary I Shapiro
Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A.
920 North King Street P.O. Box 551
P.O. Box 551
Wilmington, DE 19801
Fax : 302-651-7701
 shapiro @ rlf.com

Zachary I. Shapiro
Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A.
920 North King Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
Fax : 302-651-7701
 shapiro @ rlf.com

Jane Rue Wittstein
Jones Day
222 East 41st Street
New York, NY 10017-6702

U.S. Trustee
United States Trustee
844 King Street, Room 2207
Lockbox #35
Wilmington, DE 19899-0035

Claims Agent
The Garden City Group, Inc.
1985 Marcus Avenue,
Ste. 200
Lake Success, NY 11042

rep. by Karen Beth Shaer
The Garden City Group, Inc.
105 Maxess Road
Melville, NY 11747
Fax : 631-940-6544
 PACERTeam @ gardencitygroup.com

Jeffrey S. Stein
The Garden City Group, Inc.
1985 Marcus Avenue
Suite 200
Lake Success, NY 11042
Fax : 631-940-6554
 PACERTeam @ gardencitygroup.com

Creditor Committee
Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors
rep. by Laura Davis Jones
Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP
919 N. Market Street, 17th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19899-8705
302 652-4100
Fax : 302-652-4400
 ljones @ pszjlaw.com

Peter J. Keane
Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP
919 North Market Street, 17th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801
Fax : 302-652-4400
 pkeane @ pszjlaw.com

Peter J. Keane
Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP
919 North Market Street, 17th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801
Fax : 302-652-4400
 pkeane @ pszjlaw.com

Sharon L. Levine
Lowenstein Sandler LLP
65 Livingston Avenue
Roseland, NJ 07068
Fax : 973-597-2400
 slevine @ lowenstein.com

Thomas A. Pitta
Emmet Marvin & Martin, LLP
120 Broadway
32nd Floor
New York, NY 10271
Fax : 212-238-3100
 tpitta @ lowenstein.com

Kenneth A. Rosen
Lowenstein Sandler LLP
65 Livingston Avenue
Roseland, NJ 07068
Fax : 973597-2549
 krosen @ lowenstein.com

Bradford J. Sandler
Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP
919 N. Market Street, 17th Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801
Fax : 302-652-4400
 bsandler @ pszjlaw.com

Nicole Stefanelli
Lowenstein Sandler LLP
65 Livingston Avenue
Roseland, NJ 07068
Fax : 973-597-2400
 nstefanelli @ lowenstein.com

New Bankruptcies

This is a brief list of other bankruptcies recently filed bankruptcies:

JM WEST LLC (case number: 25-70697, chapter: 7, date filed: 02/21/2025)
NES MICHIGAN INC (case number: 25-40072, chapter: 7, date filed: 02/21/2025)
NES CENTRAL LOUISIANA INC (case number: 25-40084, chapter: 7, date filed: 02/21/2025)
SARAH WARD MOORE ESTATE INC (case number: 25-70692, chapter: 7, date filed: 02/21/2025)
PEARCE SPECIALTY FRAMERS, LLC (case number: 25-10464, chapter: 11, date filed: 02/21/2025)
NES MISSOURI INC (case number: 25-40074, chapter: 7, date filed: 02/21/2025)
NES OF SHELBY INC (case number: 25-40096, chapter: 7, date filed: 02/21/2025)
HOT SHOT EXPEDITE INC (case number: 25-02622, chapter: 7, date filed: 02/21/2025)
ANNA EVERGREEN, LLC (case number: 25-50055, chapter: 11, date filed: 02/21/2025)
LAKES/NATIONAL EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS INC (case number: 25-40064, chapter: 7, date filed: 02/21/2025)
SOLAR EXCLUSIVE, LLC (case number: 25-10950, chapter: 11, date filed: 02/21/2025)
MEDICAL SERVICES OF RHODE ISLAND INC (case number: 25-40065, chapter: 7, date filed: 02/21/2025)
10964 TWIN CITY HWY LLC (case number: 25-40469, chapter: 11, date filed: 02/21/2025)
WEIR CONTRACTING BROTHERS, LLC (case number: 25-40604, chapter: 11, date filed: 02/21/2025)
THE TAUREAU GROUP, INC. (case number: 25-70690, chapter: 7, date filed: 02/21/2025)
1919 CHAMBERLAIN DR LLC (case number: 25-40453, chapter: 11, date filed: 02/21/2025)
NES ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES INC (case number: 25-40061, chapter: 7, date filed: 02/21/2025)
815 BAY 25 CORP. (case number: 25-70680, chapter: 7, date filed: 02/21/2025)
11 UM FOOD CORP. (case number: 25-40889, chapter: 11, date filed: 02/21/2025)
DCA LAND INDIANA LLC (case number: 25-50063, chapter: 11, date filed: 02/21/2025)
TYTUS DEVELOPMENT CORP (case number: 25-10451, chapter: 11, date filed: 02/21/2025)
2873 LINK AVE LLC (case number: 25-40460, chapter: 11, date filed: 02/21/2025)
HAUNTED WAGON, INC (case number: 25-11302, chapter: 7, date filed: 02/21/2025)
THE GARNER COMPANY, LLC (case number: 25-00466, chapter: 7, date filed: 02/21/2025)
JEREMIAH PHILLIPS LLC (case number: 25-11344, chapter: 11, date filed: 02/21/2025)

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