FUNCTION4, INC. Bankruptcy Filing

Case Number: 24-12221

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FUNCTION4, INC. filed a 7 chapter bankruptcy in the District of Delaware bankruptcy court on September 30, 2024. This is a voluntary filing; it was assigned the bankruptcy case number #24-12221.

FUNCTION4, INC. Filing Information

FUNCTION4, INC., a corporation headquartered at 65 Willard Terrace, Stamford CT, filed for bankruptcy on September 30, 2024, with case number 24-12221, according to court records. The Delaware court presiding over the case assigned Judge J Kate Stickles as the overseeing authority. This marks an important step in the company's restructuring process, as FUNCTION4, INC. seeks to reorganize its financial obligations and emerge from debt. Bankruptcy information for FUNCTION4, INC. will now be subject to strict regulations aimed at ensuring transparency and fairness throughout the process, providing stakeholders with insight into the company's assets, liabilities, and overall financial health. The court's decision to grant this filing signifies a formal acknowledgement of the company's insolvency, paving the way for negotiations between FUNCTION4, INC., its creditors, and interested parties.

FUNCTION4, INC. indicated on its bankruptcy petition that it does not expect there will be sufficient assets in the estate to make a payment to the unsecured creditors.

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FUNCTION4, INC. Docket Header

VerifDue, 341Due

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
District of Delaware (Delaware)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 24-12221-JKS

Assigned to: Bankruptcy Judge J Kate Stickles
Chapter 7
No asset

Date filed:  09/30/2024

Function4, Inc.
65 Willard Terrace
Stamford, CT 06903
Tax ID / EIN: 81-1362094

rep. by Ronald S. Gellert
Gellert Seitz Busenkell & Brown, LLC
1201 North Orange Street
Suite 300
Wilmington, DE 19801
Fax : 302-425-5814
 rgellert @

George L. Miller
1628 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Suite 950
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2110

U.S. Trustee
U.S. Trustee
Office of the United States Trustee
J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building
844 King Street, Suite 2207
Lockbox 35
Wilmington, DE 19801

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